Fourth Conference of the „Health-Information-Library” held on 24-25 May 2018
Conference Venue:
Semmelweis University Basic Medical Science Center,
Budapest IX., Tűzoltó u. 37-43.
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Registration |
May 24th, 2018 - Hevesy room
930-1000 Opening ceremony, welcome speeches by
- 930-1000 Opening ceremony, welcome speeches by
Dr. Ágoston Szél, rector of the Semmelweis University
Miklós Mázi, ÁEEK
Norbert Rostás, EMMI
1000-1200 Data protection
- 1000-1030 Introductory presentation: Dr. György Surján: Data protection in the 21st century: equilibrium between opposing principles
- 1030-1050 Dr. Zsolt Kovács: Preparing the introduction of GDPR – issues emerging at the University
- 1050-1110 Dr. Zoltán Alexin: Applying the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union on health data management
- 1110-1130 Dr. Beatrix Havaska Nagy: Preparing to the General Data Protection Regulation
- 1130-1140 Exhibitor’s presentation: Michael Fanning (OVID): Visual DX (the tool for clinical practice and education for comparing differential diagnosis)
- 1140-1150 Exhibitor’s presentation: Veli-Pekka Hyttinen (CAS SciFinder): SciFinder - premier search tool for chemistry and life sciences
- 1150-1200 Questions and comments
1200-1220 COFFEE BREAK
1220-1320 Digitization
- 1220-1240 Szabolcs Győrffy: Digitisation strategy and strategic digitisation
- 1240-1300 Miklós Mázi: EESZT (National ehealth programm)
1300-1320 Dr. István Gazda: On the digitisation of Hungarian medical history documents
1320-1420 LUNCH BREAK
1420-1500 Training and competences
- 1420-1440 habil Péter Kiszl, PhD: Profession, vocation and science from the perspective of educating librarians
- 1440-1500 Máté Tóth, PhD: Changes in the use of libraries in the light of research data
- 1500-1530 Exhibitors’ presentations
Beatrix Békési (SUWECO): The benefits of the platform of Springer Nature Experiments for researchers
Katalin Ángyán (SKS): Clinical Key in Hungary: user experiences and product enhancements
Martin Kolman (EBSCO): EBM in a physician's everyday routine - 1530- 1600 Questions and comments
WORKSHOP - 2. seminarium room
1230-1330 Michael Fanning: Introduction to Evidence Based Medicine Reviews resources on OVID + Demonstration of Visible Body 3D Human Anatomy Atlas on OVID
May 25th, 2018 - Librarianship
- 930-1000 Opening and welcome speech by
Musical greeting program by Vera Brátán
Zoltán Nagy, chair of the MKE Technical Library Section
- 1000-1030 Invited presenter: Norbert Rostás, EMMI (Ministerium)
- 1030-1050 Invited presenter: dr. Attila Elek, holding a presentation on behalf of the Hungarian Hospital Association
- 1050-1110 Mrs. Józsefné Bede: Hundred years in the service of medical science
- 1110-1120 Dóra Vizvári - Mária Palotai, PhD : The situation experienced abroad – on the basis of the EAHIL mailing list
- 1120-1140 Dr. Mária Mátyus, PhD - Gabriella Rózsa Pogányné, PhD: : The role of EISZ in providing specialized literature to Hungarian hospitals
- 1140-1200 Questions and comments
1200-1300 LUNCH BREAK
1300-1400 MOKSZ general meeting